Sausalito Bar Tour

Sausalito, CA
Sausalito, CA

I have always been someone who loved going out to dinner by myself.  Since I was first old enough to go to bars, I have actively sat at bar counters to order dinner and talk to the people around me.  I am certain that this is because I am from a big family, and feel happiest sitting and dining with a group of people.

In a town like Sausalito, you just absolutely never know who you will be sitting next to.  There are locals, and also visitors from all over the world.

There are at least 27 bars & bar counters in the seaside town of Sausalito, CA.  From cozy neighborhood bars where the locals hang out, to astonishing views of the San Francisco Bay that attract visitors and locals alike, there is a bar for any possible occasion you can imagine.

This Sausalito Bar Tour is brought to you by me, editor, Wendy Louise Nog, and a collection of friends that I arm-wrestled into attempting to visit and photograph every venue in one evening.  As you can imagine, having a cocktail every few locations resulted in the need to extend the tour to a couple of days!   I was lucky enough to be able to include some of the local personalities in the photos who willingly became a part of this collection.  Enjoy!

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